Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ohh.. To Be A Fly On The Window For This Idiot's Crap

Of the many things that I hear in my head, one is people getting angry at me and accusing me of being a terrorist.

Really, dude?

Not only a terrorist, but a terrorist from Iraq. Now Iraq has been our ally for many years and we were the ones who put Saddam Hussein into power. But that's beside the point.

I saw on Skype that there's someone with my name in Iraq and in the United Kingdom.

There are people, from what I hear in my head, in different places pretending to be me. There are others pretending to be me on the west coast and gulf coast. The Iraq thing is hilarious.

Since this has started I've been accused of being a terrorist, a Muslim, a Jew, a black, a Mexican, a rapist, a murderer, and a thief. I guess the perps just say whatever makes someone the angriest and motivated to do something.

I still say, "Give 'em enough rope. They will eventually hang themselves."

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