Thursday, November 29, 2012

John Appleton

I don't know this guy personally.

But I have heard his name a lot.

The first time was April 28, 2006 and I listed that as an entry in my earlier blog:

I am hearing his name again.

He might be the guy trying to astrally kill me off.

There is this whole Texas connection.

Even more bizarre is that I am a Redskins fan and he is a Cowboys fan. I suspect that he has some connection my mind and body because I have had Redskin fantasies overridden by Cowboys fantasies in the past in a contrived and uncomfortable way.

I'll add more to this but right now they are making me shake for writing this.

This Just Heard Inside Of My Head

I just heard this in my head while I was wrestling to get off of the floor: "There's no way for a coroner to trace this.."

Stranger Than Fiction

I am being astrally murdered today in ways incomprehensible.

My aggressors who have worked so badly at trying to ruin my life are REALLY laying it on after I lost job #4.

For two days I was laying around "brain dead", struggling to get off of the couch. They know that I'm about to get another job.

My head is currently crammed worse than ever with remote viewers, astral projectors, and astral entities all desperately trying to kill me for just living a normal life.

The situation for them must be extremely desperate because I have never felt worse in my life.

I cant get enough oxygen.

It feels like a giant hand violently gripping your skull with another hand violently inside your skull gripping your brain and spine.

I can't comprehend much.

Accompany all that with "over-the-top" screaming into my brain. I get that 24 hours a day. I don't hear much else.

I'm in pain because of this. I'm still going to try to finish this online application for a job regardless. It's because of this potential new job that I"m being attacked worse than ever.

Some of these guys are extremely dumb and have primitive strategies like setting people or entities who are afraid of dying against each other. Ignorant.

 In stranger stories today I heard in my head, "He has his mind in Sam's mind. They're trying to take Sam's body away from him." Go figure.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just For The Record

Sent out two emails in the last 24 hours. One to the Whitehouse and another to U.S. Army Intelligence. I was referring to my website. Maybe this will increase awareness within government. I'm shaking as I write this. I've been laying on the floor all day.  My aggressors are kicking my tail badly now. Can't finish this post.

To My Aggressors

When I die it is my hope to experience rigor mortis with my middle finger in the air.

I Don't Know What To Do

Every aspect of my life is being torn apart by invisible force. After being a responsible employee that holds a job for years I have now lost four jobs in one year. I hear in my head that they are going to destroy me.

I kinda wish that I lived in a third world country where I just built a clay shack and the issues of western civilization weren't around.

Someone is hell bent on destroying me and quite frankly life doesn't feel like it's worth living anymore. I feel like I should just quit.

Unemployed again. It's just damn bizarre.

I want to die.

Officially Lost Job #4

I guess drinking them off of my head is not the answer.

It turns out that I more of a social cancer at the moment.

This is very tough.

I don't know how to deal with this.

I might as well die.

We shall see if I get job #5.

Monday, November 26, 2012

It's A Damn Shame

With my channeling functions, my Akashic functions, and all of my other potentials I could have done so many great things for my country and my government. Instead people are hell bent on killing me. I may not even last another year. I feel like hell.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

More Stupidity

The pressure on my head is extremely bad today.

Today family members are coming to the rescue to clean my home and get rid of the cats.

Astral factions are attacking me badly because of that.

I  must find a way to get ready for work.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Ultimate In Stupidity

I have no idea how my aggressors have gotten so far with this garbage.

In my head I hear the same lingual crap over and over again. It was and still is a sorry attempt at manipulation.

It's neuro-linguistic programming for dummies.

They often precede a sentence with a command like, "Listen.." or "Here me out.." or "You can't.." or "I can't.."

It is by far some of the dumbest crap that I have ever heard in my life. I feel like my I.Q. has dropped at least 100 points just from this experience.

It also feels like I have never left second grade. They do things and blame me for it, much like a kid will throw something at the teacher and blame me at the next desk.

They try to set me up against others that I don't know, like kids would try to set up a playground fight.

Everything that they do reminds me of my early childhood issues and anxieties back in second grade.

The only difference is the technology.

Interestingly enough, these voices in head all talk a lot like Jennifer Stoeck who also preceded sentences with the same commands. They must all have the same programming.

If they wanted to do something other than just flat out kill me they should have used someone that doesn't have a second grade mind.

I'm being killed by second graders.

P.S. -
The L.A. County District Attorney issued Jen the maximum restraining order. She wasn't allowed so much as third party contact with me. She used to attack me and then  blame me for it. Sounds similar to what's happening to me now.

Crammed To Death

I cant hear anyone. I can never hear any transmission into my brain.

Remote viewers and astral entities are crammed into me, tearing me apart from the inside out.

I desperately want to clean my home and get rid of this over-population of cats.

The more I try to do good things for myself the worse my attacks get.

I'm not afraid, impressed, nor even interested. But things just keep getting worse.

I'll keep fighting the good fight. But at the rate things are going I predict that my death will be in the next one or two years, unless some sort of intervention happens.

Anyways, who gives a damn?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1,500 Emails

I would like to apologize to people reaching out for help through email (

I have been under such horrible brain attacks and the email response has been overwhelming. I bit off a little more than I could chew.

But just under 1500 emails is definitely a statement that no one can ignore.

For as long as I remain alive I will try to do my best to do you all justice in some way, shape, or form.

Tough Day So Far

My head is crammed with people trying to prevent me from working. It feels like hell.

I overheard that one guy will get paid $5,000 if he can make me look like one of the people that they normally go after.

I get blamed for everything. People I dont know attack me. I've been accused of being a Muslim, a Jew, black, Mexican, a terrorist, rapist, murderer, etc. Whatever it is someone is angry about I get screamed at for it.

I overheard that this is also the last time that some guy gets to play with the psychotronics. I'm the last person that he can do this to. So he's clinging to me for dear life.

Today is rough.


It's a mind numbing paralysis that I experience. Simple tasks become difficult. Much of the time they dont get done at all.

I feel the pulsating in my head, the sinus popping, all from bodily invaders, from remote viewers to aliens.

I'm frustrated. It took every bit of strength I had this morning to just change the cat litter. They fight against me on everything.

Now I will attempt to work the lunch shift at my job. I expect to receive hell for it.

I drink to try and numb the effects, but they are finding new ways to get to me.

It's hard to live. But I keep going. I dont know long it will be before I lose this job, if I do. But if I have to take 30 jobs before the end of the year I will.

They will continue to experiment and try to find ways to get to me. I dont care. They will never get emotion out of me.

I have to a place of acceptance that a team of chimps will always endevour to destroy my life and that I just have to calmly work with that situation. It is my life. It is what it is.

It sucks though.

In some ways I wish that I had stayed in Los Angeles so that they could do street theatre and that I could really mess with these guys. From B.B. Guns to photography, I would have had some fun. Then would have had a photo gallery that I would have called "The Assclown Gallery" where I would have taken photos of various perps with funny captions.

Anyways I'm having a really hard time in life because of psychotronics. It's amazing that some group of people would devote themselves to destroy the life of an insignificant person like myself.

P.S. - I drunkenly posted some keywords on Facebook like "assassination" and "terrorism" and the said, "Now that I've got your attention, go to" I am desperate to generate as much federal attention as possible.


There's a whole team of people. They change shifts. They use high technology. There are a whole bunch of them. They try to get others to do things for them. They spend a decent amount of money, time, and energy. And they do it to prevent me from changing the cat litter box.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Super Tough

My brain and body have been super attacked just because I have been making money.
They want me to fail. The only reason I put a damned PayPal donate button up was to simply survive while they attack my brain.
Job #4 this year was a decent job.
I'm not sure but I think I still have it. I got sent home early because some entity or several entities get into the back of my skull and the top of my spine and makes me shake like a damn idiot.

I was so damn frustrated and sad. I need to make money and they are kicking my ass badly because I'm in a decent situation.

Often now I feel that dying is better. I feel like the living dead anyway.

But I wont with go without leaving a mark.

Feel free to make to make me look insane.

Die Nazi and alien scum, die! I'm not afraid of you. Die!

See you in hell.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

For My Aggressors

A little diddy about your leader and his sexual fetish. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jobs, etc

I start a new job tonight. It's a much better job than previous. I've been getting attacked very hard by astral entities since they know I'm starting a better one. It's been a rough two days.

It's a heck of a thing, entities that get into your nervous system in order to make to shake at crucial times at work, entities that enter the back of your skull that make you feel concussion-like symptoms and make you projectile vomit until there's nothing left in your stomach but pain, entities that make you short of breath, entities that scramble your brain so you cant think straight, the list goes on.

Job #3 this year is gone. Entities crammed my head so badly that I couldnt even do them the courtesy of calling them.

So here we go again, job #4.

There was an old cold war anti-remote viewer device that involved a tesla coil that sucked the enemy remote viewer into a vacuum tube. I would give anything to have one of those right now.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The New Message Board Is Up

I dont know if I will get any members or participants. But the whole goal is to hopefully try to establish a community in which we can all expand our information base and compare notes and eventually hopefully make everything that these assclowns do insignificant.