I start a new job tonight. It's a much better job than previous. I've been getting attacked very hard by astral entities since they know I'm starting a better one. It's been a rough two days.
It's a heck of a thing, entities that get into your nervous system in order to make to shake at crucial times at work, entities that enter the back of your skull that make you feel concussion-like symptoms and make you projectile vomit until there's nothing left in your stomach but pain, entities that make you short of breath, entities that scramble your brain so you cant think straight, the list goes on.
Job #3 this year is gone. Entities crammed my head so badly that I couldnt even do them the courtesy of calling them.
So here we go again, job #4.
There was an old cold war anti-remote viewer device that involved a tesla coil that sucked the enemy remote viewer into a vacuum tube. I would give anything to have one of those right now.
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