Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Ever So Tiresome Battle For My Being

I should have known that this intensifying battle would occur. I have turned back to yoga to confront my bodily invaders.

Evidently, my soul-mind-body matrix is a coveted property that people are spending a ton of money to try and take from me.

It is clear that they want nothing good to happen for me. They don't want me to feel good. And this is my dilemma.

My first yoga class they made me twitch and shake whenever the instructor came near me. They know how instrumental she will be in my practice. She is amazing.

Tonight I did Kundalini yoga at home by way of DVD. The more that I made progress throughout the workout, the more entities they crammed me with trying to constrict my breathing and making me shake.

Someone or some group is hellbent on forcing their way into me. It doesn't work that way. The owner (me) of the soul-mind-body matrix must give consent or be broken down through negative acts, thoughts, and feelings. And I will never do either.

My soul-mind-body matrix is solely mine and will be for all eternity.

Force will never get it.

About 90% of the way through my workout I felt something special. I felt the extreme discomfort ad the intense shaking as expected, but I felt the intense warmth and joy of my core being. I experienced my core, which is love, joy, bliss, the infinite. Everything astral-physical that they did to me just felt like an outer garment of discomfort. It meant nothing to me. No matter how it felt I was joyous internally. The discomfort was truly external and artificial.

These clowns who have no experience in this field whatsoever will continue to experiment on me to find a way in. I don't anticipate them giving up. They have lots of money at stake.

But this is my being and therefore my choice. I will never ever give myself up to any outside entity.

This is going to be a hell of a battle. I'll keep piling on the yoga, prayer, and meditation.

Even if they were to kill me off to some degree or another they would just be a bunch of hapless monkeys in a half dead shell, perhaps just helpless and stuck like John Cusack's character was stuck in the baby at the end of "Being John Malkovich".

My being is mine only. The clowns are unclear on the concept.

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