Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Ultimate In Stupidity

I have no idea how my aggressors have gotten so far with this garbage.

In my head I hear the same lingual crap over and over again. It was and still is a sorry attempt at manipulation.

It's neuro-linguistic programming for dummies.

They often precede a sentence with a command like, "Listen.." or "Here me out.." or "You can't.." or "I can't.."

It is by far some of the dumbest crap that I have ever heard in my life. I feel like my I.Q. has dropped at least 100 points just from this experience.

It also feels like I have never left second grade. They do things and blame me for it, much like a kid will throw something at the teacher and blame me at the next desk.

They try to set me up against others that I don't know, like kids would try to set up a playground fight.

Everything that they do reminds me of my early childhood issues and anxieties back in second grade.

The only difference is the technology.

Interestingly enough, these voices in head all talk a lot like Jennifer Stoeck who also preceded sentences with the same commands. They must all have the same programming.

If they wanted to do something other than just flat out kill me they should have used someone that doesn't have a second grade mind.

I'm being killed by second graders.

P.S. -
The L.A. County District Attorney issued Jen the maximum restraining order. She wasn't allowed so much as third party contact with me. She used to attack me and then  blame me for it. Sounds similar to what's happening to me now.

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