Friday, December 28, 2012

Facing Attacks Worse Than Ever...

..out of the fear that I'm about to take up yoga again.

This has been an extreme painful and annoying day. My new yoga class is in 83 minutes and since the beginning of this day I have been hammered with every entity and tactic imaginable.

Hopefully this works.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Just Like Harlan Girard...

..except in this case I had widely publicized on the internet negative things about George Bush, Jr. and Bush family Nazi plots and Nazi connections before this all happened. I jumped on the Bush family on the internet.

Seven years ago, I overheard in my head, "We work for George Bush!"

Now I here a lot of people talking like former girlfriend, Jen Stoeck who came later on, and crack psycho Malien, both of which are also from Texas.

From the contrived classic Nazi formula of 9-11 and the following tactics that would ensue to my personal mind attacks and their connections, of which I may die from, all I've got to say is this: "Very sloppy, Texans. Very sloppy."

See the TV show from the entry before this one.

The TV Show Version, Thanks Jesse!

Being Astrally Murdered

Remote Viewers and astral attacks are super strong tonight. Everything in my head, neck, and spine are unbearable.

This is really going a long way to prove that you can murder someone you don't know with someone who doesn't know me. Strangers murdering strangers.

They are determined to get every ethereal and astral thing valuable to them out of my body while slowly killing me off. (Some refer to this as "my people")

Tonight is hell. Everyone and everything has a different reason for attacking me and none of those reasons are true.

I'm being sleep deprived. My appetite is gone. It even feels uncomfortable to eat.

Something or many things are living inside me, literally tearing me apart from the inside out.

And some being is literally connected to all of my senses and faculties from a remote location. Whatever it is, it feels my pain more than I do. It feels temperature more than I do. I'm virtually numb to everything now.

Some are seriously draining my life force astrally. They say they're doing it for their own "medical reasons."

Someone else referred to me as a "gold mine." People are paying top dollar for this.

I never consented to any of this.

I'm being destroyed in every astral way imaginable and from every direction. I need some serious help.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Satanists Are Winning

The non-stop drive to ruin my life is working.

My sinuses are crammed with enemy astral entities. I can't think. I can't move.

I haven't pursued a new job the way I've needed to. And now I am missing all of the Christmas parties and birthday parties that I've been invited to.

This is highly unusual for a socially popular guy like myself.

The enemy forces are hellbent to make me into something that I am not.

I sit on the couch all day long, my mind numb and blank. I am literally being murdered on the astral plane.

I used to just drink my bodily invaders off of me. But these guys are now just throwing more and more of everyone and everything on me.

I can't even bring myself to answer a phone or call family and friends. That's everything that these guys want.

If I can't do anything else with my life then I am going to give my life away destroying them.

These cowardice punks hide behind the aprons of mommy's technology.

I want them dead.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Some Clown Has Been Going Through My Life Tooth And Nail

There's some idiot who has combed through every aspect of my life. He's got birth records, school records, access to my social media accounts and my former bank account.

I don't know who he's talking to, but he seems to be trying everything imaginable to make me seem inadequate.

I'm generally good with numbers and math in general. I heard in my head recently this guy explaining to someone, "He never got through algebra."

Are you Goddamned serious?!?!?

Someone is putting amazing amounts of time and energy into going through my whole life's history.

To call this pathetic makes it sound way too glorious.

P.S.- I also learned that this guy has pretended to be government to get such information. Between impersonating government and violating my privacy, he's looking at serious federal prison time.

Relentless Astral Attacks Today

I've got to keep my chin up.

Astral entities are attacking me from every direction. Currently they are messing up my motor skills, making me shake uncontrollably.

Someone or many are trying to take my body away from me, including a remote viewing time traveler from 25 years ago.

I feel like leaving special instructions that if I even slightly die that my body is to be incinerated immediately.

They Must Be Very Desperate

My head is crammed again with astral entities that won't let me hear anyone and are trying to kill me.

I could vaguely hear in the distance people asking me for help and they are making them all sound like they want me dead.

They are going to try everything to me here in the eleventh hour. This is very rough. No one should have to feel the way I'm feeling. No one should have to go through this.

Tough Week. But The Harmonic Convergence Is Finally Upon Us

I have been brutally attacked all week and this morning is no exception. The end of the Mayan calendar has finally arrived today. These guys are desperate.

It's going to be an interesting time for me. I heard in my head that the people on my head were just going to end up being vaporized. This is probably because of the photon band, I assume.

In spite of their attacks, this is a crucial time for love to reign supreme. Some guy has put everything that he has into destroying me and using what I am. I guess he and his intrusive buddies won't go quietly. But it must happen.

I am really looking forward to the ascension process and this time of great transition.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Astral Entities, Remote Viewers Tearing Me Apart

I'm getting my ass kicked right now. I think it's because we're approaching 12-21-12 and they are super desperate. But it hurts like hell.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Mind Stealing Turd In California

There's this turd of a human being in California. This will sound bizarre, but this foul human being is using my mind where he is.

I have various entities that live on the mental plane and they constantly talk to me about things in my life. They will show me images of various people in my life and will flash words and names of people and things relative to my life.

This turd in California is pretending that they are talking to him and I always hear the piece of crap making up stories of how my friends, family, and women I like are relevant to it's life.

He even has someone who changes text in my brain. For instance, I'm a Capitals fan and my extradimensional friends flashed the name "Michal Neuvirth" the Caps' goalie and he tried to change it to BeBe Neuvirth, a Hollywood actress.

This feces is getting people to do things with it by using my mind and from what I understand he's even taking money from people.

I can't disconnect this retard soon enough.

Worse Astral Attack Yet

Last night I was attacked so badly by astral entities that I could barely remain conscious. My head was crammed to an extreme. I struggled to moved. Without a coat or shoes I forced myself to move outside, stumbling and falling to the floor several times along the way.

I was hoping that the below freezing temperature would get rid of them. Instead the attack was so strong that I just passed out on the floor of the porch, not even feeling the cold. My neighbor found me and woke me up and said that if I needed her that she was there for me.

I struggled to move again to find my way back in the house. All movement was extremely difficult. Coherency was difficult. It was coupled with that extremely sick feeling that some entity gave while I was trying to hold down a job across town. Death feels better than this.

I ended up passing out on the living room floor.

When I woke it was still severe, but not as severe as last night. These astral enemy forces keep saying to me, "You can't do anything with your life." over and over again.

I'm still trying to force myself up to eat something and try to get a job. They are hammering me with everyone and everything.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Getting Closer And Attacks Getting Heavier... As Expected

The astral idiocy continues. The pressure on my head gets greater.

I am not able to hear any transmission into my brain anymore. Nothing but screaming from retarded astral entities is all that I hear now. Someone has the technology to re-route all conversations directed towards me to someone else remotely.

The ascension process is beginning to move into full swing and these chimps are extremely desperate to use anyone and anything to try and break me down and lower my frequency so that I won't be a part of the ascension process.

The Zeta Reticuli grays have these collectives of people that they call "groups". Normally a "group" is a linking of minds that they group together to break people down and get certain energies and other resources out of them. These "groups" are full of bad people that want to do harmful things to one another. They basically consist of scumbag people.

A "group" can also mean "one's social circle".

I was once in a "group" of wonderful people, until a Satanic scumbag Klansman with wealth decided that he was going to take my place and somehow convinced someone to link my mind to a group of scum that he was once a part of, so that he could be with the people that I was linked to.

Now I am under some heavy astral attack because some people believe that I am part of a group that I have nothing to do with. They even know how to "superimpose" my image to them on the astral plane.

I don't know anyone involved and I live 700 miles away from the nearest scumbag that these Klan lackeys claim that I'm doing things with.

I hope to break free of this abomination of a group very, very soon.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Eight Days And Counting

.. although I am told it is already happening.

They're still trying desperately to lower my vibrational frequency. Misery loves company I guess.

Here's Drunvalo:

The Extreme Battle To Do Something With My Day Rages On

Most people wake up, have their coffee and start their normal life.

Not me.

Some Klansman told all these people that I didn't know how to do anything with my life in order to take my place within a certain mind-linked, dream-linked collective. Then he hired some lackey clown and paid him a ton of money to just delegate to hundreds of ignorant little astral entities that cram my head to prevent me from thinking or moving around to prove that I can't do anything with my life.

I thought job #5 was coming, but it hasn't yet. Now it's a battle for oxygen and simply to get the blood in my brain circulating to simply do the things a normal person would do.

Every damn day is a battle against psychotronic weapons, remote viewers, and especially astral entities inside of the remote viewers.

If worse comes to worse I just simply move in with a family member or friend and go back to school and change professions.

It won't be comfy, but it would be a fresh start.

Still it's annoying as hell. I'm going to try to drink a ton of Yerba Mate to fend them off. Since they are bodily invaders they hate when I pump myself up with caffeine. Even then it's a battle because they try to drain my energy into a Satanic remote viewing parasite attached.

I'll dispose of them somehow.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pertaining To My Extraordinary Experiences

(Just cross-posting from another conversation. Thought that it might be useful here.)

I have read in several books that many extremely advanced beings will contain a collection of consciousnesses such as the human race in various holographic matrices for their own usage. There's a universal one devised for our own advancement.

 But then there are several others used for another highly developed beings' special interests. Such is the case with the Zeta Reticuli gray aliens, whom have their own such matrix and are collecting as many human consciousnesses as possible. 

The one we currently live in is also a alien imposed matrix or frequency fence that only allows us to experience a limited amount of "reality" in order to keep us farmed and enslaved.

Since the discovery of the charged electromagnetic spectrum we have learned that human reality is less than one one-millionth of actual reality.

Another Texas Connection?

A family member of mine that has been instrumental in assisting me during these challenging times looked at their Facebook security active sessions only to find two active sessions running out of Texas.

Coincidence? Or are they in my family's business as well?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rough Night So Far

Predictable. My head is being crammed again by remote viewers, aliens, and astral entities all keeping me from breathing through my nose and trying to take me apart.

No let up. I wonder what it's going to take to be totally free of bodily invaders.

Also I never get to hear anyone speaking to me. All that I hear are astral entities screaming at me coupled with a very uncomfortable wriggling around on my head.

We never get to commmunicate.

John Appleton, Yet Again

I just overheard in my head again an argument with John Appleton.

Evidently, he is insistent on using me for his Satanic endeavors. They were telling him that I had nothing in me that he could use and that he wasn't going to get any entities inside of me.

They mentioned that I will never give up my body and that he should give it up.

He is hellbent on staying on me.

Here's a previous post:

Here's another link, scroll down to April 28, 2006:

I also overheard, "Nobody wants you to do things with anyone. Nobody cares about what you say you can do with Sam's people."

Ten Days Away

In roughly ten days we will have completed the final baktun of the Mayan calendar. The final cycle before the beginning of transition and ascension.

As much as this harassment has been a curse it has also been a blessing, a blessing that I have become multi-dimensional, a true pleasure to meet and unite with so many beautiful and amazing beings.

Nothing could have prepared me for what this attack has made me experience, but it has been amazing and it has given me strong validity in spirituality, love, goodness, and compassion.

It has also validated the path of ascension and the harmonic convergence.

For seven years Satanic, K.K.K, and alien forces have tried every method available to try and break me down to use me in other ways. They have attempted to induce extremes of hate, anger, fear, anxiety, and depression in order to harvest me. That won't ever happen. There's too much at stake. I know the game.

So now I am going to do my best to ignore everything and focus on God, love, joy, bliss, gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness. These are the great tools in our ascension arsenal.

I will force meditation, even though they attack the crap out of me every time that I pray or meditate. They want me to appear "unspiritual", so that they can justify their presence here.

The time has come to not even deal with them. I expect this ten day run won't be easy. They just might pour everything on me out of desperation. They already seem desperate. They try everything.

I'll just ground myself in God.

Now is an exciting time. In the coming year or more, should they choose to stay on me, they will eventually dissolve into nothingness due to the photonic transition.

Viva the 144,000!!!!

In Love and Light!

The Mystery Of Zoe Thompson

I have no idea who this woman is and yet I have heard her name pumped into my brain for over seven years.

From years ago I thought she was the victim of some horrible crime.

Seven years ago, while I was half asleep, someone held a photograph in front of some camera that goes into my brain. It was a photograph of a blonde woman holding a black dog. I don't know if this is Zoe or what. I'm not sure what the point was.

But still to this day I keep hearing the name Zoe Thompson in my head.

If there are any detectives out there then the name Zoe Thompson could lead you to my aggressors and possibly their purpose.

Monday, December 10, 2012

It's That Time Of Year Again

Winter. Every year bodily invading remote viewers that someone insists of keeping on my head end up dying of hypothermia. We get below freezing temperatures here. It's occurring right now.

Then the guy blames me for it. Then I get attacked by other even more.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Stranger Than Fiction: An Explanation

Time to explain some of the weirdness in some of my posts.

Ok, let's start from the beginning. On May 27, 2005 I became the target of what seemingly was a hate crime in my mind. I heard voices in my head. (see: I was called the n-word a lot for some reason. My life and my family's live's were constantly threatened. There was a constant dialogue in my brain, both manual and automated (I used to play around with the automated voices), going on 24 hours a day. It was driving me nuts.

I wasn't afraid. I was more fascinated by the technology. More so, I was dumbfounded that this technology was being used for such idiocy.

They had me duped a number of times in the beginning because they had this 3 dimensional sound projection machine that made me believe that there was something was going on in the apartments next to mine. I had made an ass of myself several times back then falling for their childish pranks. I knew the L.A.P.D. police chief back then and emailed him. I had called the police on what I thought was a rape and murder up above my place and they responded swiftly with helicopters, cars, ladders, a battering ram, the whole works.

I thought to myself, "I've got these pieces of crap now!" Later  I got a knock at the door. It was an officer. He told me that if I ever call them on a false alarm again I would go to jail. I was devastated, humiliated. I wanted to die. I was certain that the police chief would never look at me the same way again.

That was seven years ago. I never listened to the voices ever again.

The professionals ended up taking their equipment away and the assclown only had a minimal amount of equipment with which to do things to me.

Also there was dream intervention. By the way, I haven't had a private thought or dream to myself in over seven years.

The dreams were originally either Satanic or dreams of my own lynching by guys in white hoods and white robes.

Then other dreams came. These dreams were other humans who were friendly. They just wanted to talk to me, get to know me, or give me advice. Some actually showed me some of the technology involved. Sometimes I would get kissed. Lol!

The racist and Satanic dreams would continue, along with some public humiliation dreams. Sometime the threatening dreams were hilarious. There were guys talking tough to me and threatening to kill me, but someone made them all look like circus clowns while they were doing this.

There were dissenters within the voices in my head too, saying things like, "Pay no attention to him. He's an idiot. We're just trying to find our way out of this one." or giving me advice. Someone even woke me up on time for a business meeting when he was trying to make me oversleep.

There was also one wonderful woman who was giving  me positive affirmations in my sleep while he was trying break me down.

That was all seven years ago.

So anyway, the voices began not to make sense in their terminology. There was all of this talk about "my house" or someone else's "house", for example. It didn't take me long to realize that I wasn't talking to humans.

Just for reference "house" means "body" or "encasing", the housing unit of the soul. I prefer their terminologies. They make more sense.

Also my dreams became different. I started receiving incredible visitations from extraterrestrials, beings of the astral plane, other dimensions, the Agartha network, blue skinned Krishna types, animals, dinosaurs, people of different time periods, and the list goes on. They would tell me to eat fruit, become vegetarian, focus on love, wear and live in bright colors, etc.

It seems that the ELF waves (extremely low frequency waves) from the attack stimulated my pineal gland and opened my 3rd eye chakra wide open and I became multi-dimensional (see: and all of these different beings started coming to me and said that I could be of assistance to them all.

It was amazing. Suddenly my psychic abilities were amazing. I had Akashic functions. I had channeling functions. I felt like I could do anything. They claim I have the potential to levitate.

It was a fascinating ride for a while. Then it got bad again.

The crackers who initiated this attack upon me decided that my mind should be theirs. "If it weren't for us you wouldn't be this way" I once heard.

They did something horrible on the astral plane. They got someone to kill someone dear to someone with technical know-how and then blamed me for it and got person to link every attribute of my mind for them to use remotely somewhere else.

Then also in order to stay on me they got people to rape and kill on the astral plane and blamed me for everything, so that everyone would attack me while they used every bit of my being that I used to be with people, mainly my third eye and Akashic functions, my Kundalini, and my halo (crown chakra). That horrible astral activity continues. They tell beings that this is what I want to happen and that everyone should be with them and use me remotely.

By the way, there's some sort of viewer that they use to learn everything about everything. That thing is using my mind, my conduit, my Akashic functions.

Sinister people astral project to my body to have parties and solicit sex from others. It's a disgusting violation. It makes me ill.

So now there's this huge battle for my mind. They say it's worth millions. They are willing to kill for my mind. They are using every bit of technology imaginable to steal it from me. Many are sinister, although I'm willing to bet that some might be nice and well intended and believe that I have done something wrong and are screwing me up for sinister forces. That kind of trickery is a constant method of operations for them.

My friends in other dimensions are pleading for me to do things now. They say that this time period is crucial. But these guys who lust for money, women, and power will never give up. I'm the Holy Grail or something.

But the enemies want to segregate me from myself.

My friends attached to my mind. Tell me that this is all about the ascension process. I wish to God that I had my soul-mind-body matrix to myself so that I can get to work on that.

Some of these clowns say that they can do a better job than me using my matrix. But the Universe doesn't lie. If that were true, if they were spiritually evolved enough, they would just have their own.

There must be a way to disconnect every ounce of my being from all of them. That's what I want for Christmas. That's all that I want.

I will add more. I think I just got memory wiped a little.

Ok, I just remembered what I was about to write before my memory got wiped.

Now I don't know about the validity of any of this because I don't know any of these people connected to my brain, nor do I know anyone that they know. I'm just a stranger in all of this. Plus I wasn't there. However, from what I have heard in my head is that there was this woman named Alina. I guess was "with people" or rather a part of the collective that now I'm a part of.

Someone along with his group had Alina enslaved, raped, and eventually killed, so that some guy could have her stuff and thought that these beings would just be with him. They wouldn't come to him. They found me, someone with similar capabilities to Alina.

Then this guy claimed that I "stole Alina's people" and that they had to be brought back to where he was. So it's been hell dealing with him as well.

Now some of these beings don't make any sense when they speak because they try to learn English at that place that Alina once was and because everyone is either a con artist or just flat out full of sh*t these beings get terminology wrong. They hear what people say and see what's in their minds.

For example: "I'm a business man." to them means "I'm not sure what I'm doing here and I'd like to get out of here."

"I'm a rockstar." means "I don't know what I'm doing".

The worst by far is the term, "manager."

They think that "manager" means someone who murders someone and takes their stuff away.

Some guy said that he was Alina's manager.

Again this is all stuff just heard in my head. All I want is to work a damn shift without battling astral entities and I want my whole being back to myself.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Time Travelling Fun

Refer to

Some of my aggressors are K.K.K. from 1980's Houston, Texas.

They must have some sort of stolen government equipment or something because attached to my head are U.S. and former Soviet Union psi-spies or whatever battling out the Cold War which ended 20 years ago.

It's annoying as hell when you're just trying to live a normal life.

Some these Klan guys from the 80's have been hilarious. I nearly choked on my beer with laughter when some guy said that I had "Soviet ties" because of having some Russian friends.

In a way their attack reminds me of something like being threatened by Dr. Evil in Austin Powers when he was first thawed out from being cryogenically frozen. They didn't have Google back then. So I'm sure that to themselves they seem intense and intimidating. To me, I just thought, "Something here isn't right." And I just hit up the search engines for research.

Job #5 On The Way

One more hurdle left and it looks like I'm going to be hired for the 5th time this year.

My only concern now is the one thing that made me lose the previous four jobs, my bodily invaders.

They have one that makes me projectile vomit whenever I'm in a good working situation or about to get along with a woman. It feels like a concussion.

They have one that gets into my nervous system and makes me shake like a leaf, unable to even pick up things. This happens when I'm about to do something good or important.

They have one that cuts off oxygen and blood circulation to my brain. I can't breathe through my nostrils.

They have one that scrambles my brain so that I can't think and I will sit like a zombie or forget what I was doing.

They have beings that block seratonin flow and dopamine flow. That in combination with blocking my heart center and psychic centers when I about to bond with a woman. This happened at my last job when I met someone special after the shift and they added the projectile vomit being into the mix. That got me fired.

I have had two interviews for this new job and they are already considering me for a future management position as well.

I only have to overcome these bodily invaders that are putting me through astral physical hell to succeed.

I pray that I overcome these satanic klansmen and their peers.

By the way, I keep hearing in my head someone trying to explain away these invasions as diseases, disorders, and alcoholism.

The better question is: Why would someone that I don't know, that has NO relevance to my life have to explain away anything that I am going though?

Password Stealing In My Sleep

I just learned/remembered that these guys have a way to get passwords for your accounts out of you in your sleep.

I was sleeping this morning when I had a dream implanted of myself going into my account. I started to enter my password when suddenly in a flash of conscious awareness I woke out of the dream before I could finish the password.

"No way in hell are you getting that!" I said as I woke up briskly.

God knows how many account passwords they have of my own as well as others, simply by making people dream about going into their accounts.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Possibly Part Of The Scam

Evidently there are millions of dollars involved in order to use my brain and third eye chakra.

Someone else is remotely using them.

I am never hearing anyone. All I hear is crazy screaming when someone tries to speak to me.

Someone talking through me is saying that I'm not interested in working with anyone or letting anyone do things with people. (I'll explain this in a later post.)

Then they are getting people with high tech to use me elsewhere.

Then they taking millions from others to use me without me being a part of it or receiving money for it.

They are segregating me from myself.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Add The D.I.A. To The List

I also forgot to mention that I emailed the Defense Intelligence Agency and made them aware of my website. Since I did hear in my head that these horrible crimes against me might be tied to a breach in National Security.

I'm Being Used Somewhere Else

Someone or some group with very deep pockets and resources has connections to every single function of my brain, including psychic and Akashic functions and is using it all remotely somewhere else.

This could also be a role reversal since I am being attacked like crazy. It's one of my theories.

This person using me is probably someone that they wanted to harm and instead the person using me and his sinister group are reaping the benefits of my being while I get torn apart by everyone for seeming like I'm one of them.

A Shock Implant?!?!

After seven years of miserably failed behavioral modification I just heard that they want to put to shock implant in me.

Money And Bodily Invasion

This was overheard in my mind: "This guy is worth millions. Just keep attacking him until I get everything that he has inside of him."

There's Some Word Changing Device On My Brain

It changes sentences like, "I love you." to "I hate you." and "I really care about you." to "You have got to be killed."

It also changes every sentence that someone of influence says into "killing someone."

I can hear both versions.

Astral Attacks Continue

It was hard to get air through my nostrils today.

Someone feel that it is important to cram my head and kill me with astral entities for whatever reason.

Just jumped out of my sleep from lack of air.

There must surely be a solution from this constant pounding on my head.

Someone on the astral plane believes that it is untraceable, but believe me it is.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Someone Is Talking Through Me

In addition I can feel someone talking through me and he's either making people angry at me or driving them away from me. This may be why I'm getting attacked so badly.

Even More Torture

This happened to me on a previous Sunday night as well and it is terrible.

I am struggling for oxygen. I get kept awake all night on Sunday and Monday nights while they party inside of me.

Now once again I've every astral entity and remote viewer crammed on my head making me feel ill and depriving me of oxygen.

The last time that this happened I had to pace around all night. It's happening again.

The Torture Keeps Getting Worse

They're gripping my head severely again.

This morning many entities blocked my oxygen supply and I suffocated in my sleep, struggling to get air.

I can feel them on me again pressuring my head.

I have also had a full day of uncomfortable non-stop screaming. Someone is desperate to break me down or at least kill me.

In the event of my death, remember the names John Appleton, Jen Stoeck, Melissa a.k.a. Malien, Albert, and the list at

I am severely pressured on my head right now.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

John Appleton

I don't know this guy personally.

But I have heard his name a lot.

The first time was April 28, 2006 and I listed that as an entry in my earlier blog:

I am hearing his name again.

He might be the guy trying to astrally kill me off.

There is this whole Texas connection.

Even more bizarre is that I am a Redskins fan and he is a Cowboys fan. I suspect that he has some connection my mind and body because I have had Redskin fantasies overridden by Cowboys fantasies in the past in a contrived and uncomfortable way.

I'll add more to this but right now they are making me shake for writing this.

This Just Heard Inside Of My Head

I just heard this in my head while I was wrestling to get off of the floor: "There's no way for a coroner to trace this.."

Stranger Than Fiction

I am being astrally murdered today in ways incomprehensible.

My aggressors who have worked so badly at trying to ruin my life are REALLY laying it on after I lost job #4.

For two days I was laying around "brain dead", struggling to get off of the couch. They know that I'm about to get another job.

My head is currently crammed worse than ever with remote viewers, astral projectors, and astral entities all desperately trying to kill me for just living a normal life.

The situation for them must be extremely desperate because I have never felt worse in my life.

I cant get enough oxygen.

It feels like a giant hand violently gripping your skull with another hand violently inside your skull gripping your brain and spine.

I can't comprehend much.

Accompany all that with "over-the-top" screaming into my brain. I get that 24 hours a day. I don't hear much else.

I'm in pain because of this. I'm still going to try to finish this online application for a job regardless. It's because of this potential new job that I"m being attacked worse than ever.

Some of these guys are extremely dumb and have primitive strategies like setting people or entities who are afraid of dying against each other. Ignorant.

 In stranger stories today I heard in my head, "He has his mind in Sam's mind. They're trying to take Sam's body away from him." Go figure.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just For The Record

Sent out two emails in the last 24 hours. One to the Whitehouse and another to U.S. Army Intelligence. I was referring to my website. Maybe this will increase awareness within government. I'm shaking as I write this. I've been laying on the floor all day.  My aggressors are kicking my tail badly now. Can't finish this post.

To My Aggressors

When I die it is my hope to experience rigor mortis with my middle finger in the air.

I Don't Know What To Do

Every aspect of my life is being torn apart by invisible force. After being a responsible employee that holds a job for years I have now lost four jobs in one year. I hear in my head that they are going to destroy me.

I kinda wish that I lived in a third world country where I just built a clay shack and the issues of western civilization weren't around.

Someone is hell bent on destroying me and quite frankly life doesn't feel like it's worth living anymore. I feel like I should just quit.

Unemployed again. It's just damn bizarre.

I want to die.

Officially Lost Job #4

I guess drinking them off of my head is not the answer.

It turns out that I more of a social cancer at the moment.

This is very tough.

I don't know how to deal with this.

I might as well die.

We shall see if I get job #5.

Monday, November 26, 2012

It's A Damn Shame

With my channeling functions, my Akashic functions, and all of my other potentials I could have done so many great things for my country and my government. Instead people are hell bent on killing me. I may not even last another year. I feel like hell.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

More Stupidity

The pressure on my head is extremely bad today.

Today family members are coming to the rescue to clean my home and get rid of the cats.

Astral factions are attacking me badly because of that.

I  must find a way to get ready for work.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Ultimate In Stupidity

I have no idea how my aggressors have gotten so far with this garbage.

In my head I hear the same lingual crap over and over again. It was and still is a sorry attempt at manipulation.

It's neuro-linguistic programming for dummies.

They often precede a sentence with a command like, "Listen.." or "Here me out.." or "You can't.." or "I can't.."

It is by far some of the dumbest crap that I have ever heard in my life. I feel like my I.Q. has dropped at least 100 points just from this experience.

It also feels like I have never left second grade. They do things and blame me for it, much like a kid will throw something at the teacher and blame me at the next desk.

They try to set me up against others that I don't know, like kids would try to set up a playground fight.

Everything that they do reminds me of my early childhood issues and anxieties back in second grade.

The only difference is the technology.

Interestingly enough, these voices in head all talk a lot like Jennifer Stoeck who also preceded sentences with the same commands. They must all have the same programming.

If they wanted to do something other than just flat out kill me they should have used someone that doesn't have a second grade mind.

I'm being killed by second graders.

P.S. -
The L.A. County District Attorney issued Jen the maximum restraining order. She wasn't allowed so much as third party contact with me. She used to attack me and then  blame me for it. Sounds similar to what's happening to me now.

Crammed To Death

I cant hear anyone. I can never hear any transmission into my brain.

Remote viewers and astral entities are crammed into me, tearing me apart from the inside out.

I desperately want to clean my home and get rid of this over-population of cats.

The more I try to do good things for myself the worse my attacks get.

I'm not afraid, impressed, nor even interested. But things just keep getting worse.

I'll keep fighting the good fight. But at the rate things are going I predict that my death will be in the next one or two years, unless some sort of intervention happens.

Anyways, who gives a damn?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1,500 Emails

I would like to apologize to people reaching out for help through email (

I have been under such horrible brain attacks and the email response has been overwhelming. I bit off a little more than I could chew.

But just under 1500 emails is definitely a statement that no one can ignore.

For as long as I remain alive I will try to do my best to do you all justice in some way, shape, or form.

Tough Day So Far

My head is crammed with people trying to prevent me from working. It feels like hell.

I overheard that one guy will get paid $5,000 if he can make me look like one of the people that they normally go after.

I get blamed for everything. People I dont know attack me. I've been accused of being a Muslim, a Jew, black, Mexican, a terrorist, rapist, murderer, etc. Whatever it is someone is angry about I get screamed at for it.

I overheard that this is also the last time that some guy gets to play with the psychotronics. I'm the last person that he can do this to. So he's clinging to me for dear life.

Today is rough.


It's a mind numbing paralysis that I experience. Simple tasks become difficult. Much of the time they dont get done at all.

I feel the pulsating in my head, the sinus popping, all from bodily invaders, from remote viewers to aliens.

I'm frustrated. It took every bit of strength I had this morning to just change the cat litter. They fight against me on everything.

Now I will attempt to work the lunch shift at my job. I expect to receive hell for it.

I drink to try and numb the effects, but they are finding new ways to get to me.

It's hard to live. But I keep going. I dont know long it will be before I lose this job, if I do. But if I have to take 30 jobs before the end of the year I will.

They will continue to experiment and try to find ways to get to me. I dont care. They will never get emotion out of me.

I have to a place of acceptance that a team of chimps will always endevour to destroy my life and that I just have to calmly work with that situation. It is my life. It is what it is.

It sucks though.

In some ways I wish that I had stayed in Los Angeles so that they could do street theatre and that I could really mess with these guys. From B.B. Guns to photography, I would have had some fun. Then would have had a photo gallery that I would have called "The Assclown Gallery" where I would have taken photos of various perps with funny captions.

Anyways I'm having a really hard time in life because of psychotronics. It's amazing that some group of people would devote themselves to destroy the life of an insignificant person like myself.

P.S. - I drunkenly posted some keywords on Facebook like "assassination" and "terrorism" and the said, "Now that I've got your attention, go to" I am desperate to generate as much federal attention as possible.


There's a whole team of people. They change shifts. They use high technology. There are a whole bunch of them. They try to get others to do things for them. They spend a decent amount of money, time, and energy. And they do it to prevent me from changing the cat litter box.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Super Tough

My brain and body have been super attacked just because I have been making money.
They want me to fail. The only reason I put a damned PayPal donate button up was to simply survive while they attack my brain.
Job #4 this year was a decent job.
I'm not sure but I think I still have it. I got sent home early because some entity or several entities get into the back of my skull and the top of my spine and makes me shake like a damn idiot.

I was so damn frustrated and sad. I need to make money and they are kicking my ass badly because I'm in a decent situation.

Often now I feel that dying is better. I feel like the living dead anyway.

But I wont with go without leaving a mark.

Feel free to make to make me look insane.

Die Nazi and alien scum, die! I'm not afraid of you. Die!

See you in hell.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

For My Aggressors

A little diddy about your leader and his sexual fetish. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jobs, etc

I start a new job tonight. It's a much better job than previous. I've been getting attacked very hard by astral entities since they know I'm starting a better one. It's been a rough two days.

It's a heck of a thing, entities that get into your nervous system in order to make to shake at crucial times at work, entities that enter the back of your skull that make you feel concussion-like symptoms and make you projectile vomit until there's nothing left in your stomach but pain, entities that make you short of breath, entities that scramble your brain so you cant think straight, the list goes on.

Job #3 this year is gone. Entities crammed my head so badly that I couldnt even do them the courtesy of calling them.

So here we go again, job #4.

There was an old cold war anti-remote viewer device that involved a tesla coil that sucked the enemy remote viewer into a vacuum tube. I would give anything to have one of those right now.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The New Message Board Is Up

I dont know if I will get any members or participants. But the whole goal is to hopefully try to establish a community in which we can all expand our information base and compare notes and eventually hopefully make everything that these assclowns do insignificant.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I Wonder If Hope For The 5th Density Is Slipping Away From Me

Dark forces have been trying everything imaginable to provoke me into losing my temper and inciting me to violence on the astral plane.

They are tricking people into killing and raping other people on the astral plane.

Astral beings have attacked me so badly that I can't even think straight, which is costing my life dearly. Things have gotten so bad.

The attacks over the last 24 hours have been pretty severe. They have been so severe to me that I have reacted violently on the astral plane..  mentally, emotionally, etc.

Score one for the dark forces.

The whole idea of provoking someone into violence is to weaken one's soul-mind-body complex, to lower their vibrational frequency so that they can be easily harvested.

My whole goal was to raise my vibrational frequency through love, joy, bliss, compassion, forgiveness, etc.

They have attacked my mind, body, soul, and people that I am with so badly that I finally weakened and reacted. I lost my temper. It has been an extremely rough year for me.

After my last actions I am uncertain that I can be a part of the ascension process. I will keep trying, but the more I show love the worse it gets for me. This kinda reminds me of the relationship that I had with Jennifer Stoeck. The more I showed love, the more violent and hateful she became. She is Satanic in the worst way, as I found out later.

This electronic harassment is related to her, I am convinced.

I wont give up. But I am becoming extremely irritable after 7 years of this. There must be light at the end of the tunnel.

But Stoeck related Satanic factions will try to break me down to the death. Just like she tried.

The war of we, the Heavenly vs. Satanic factions is far from over. I must realize this.

I wonder if I still have hope.

Monday, October 29, 2012

You Are An Ailment

I've got news for you astral projecting swine, just so you get a proper perspective.

In earlier times, back before the days of modern medicine, people who were ill used to go see a shaman or medicine man. That practitioner would diagnose the ailment as some sort of spirit that had entered the sick person's body that had to be removed.

Now I know that you assclowns would like to think of yourselves as something special and elite.

But here is the cold hard truth. You are an AILMENT! You are a disease that simply needs a cure.

You are a disease in society. But in my body all you are is a disease, an ailment.

For seven years I haven't been able to get this toilet to flush. But know what you are. Nothing more.

Friday, October 19, 2012

How Could I Possibly Be Of Any Significance To Merritt This Kind Of Attention

Cell phone getting tapped: I was talking to my mother and I heard a clicking sound followed by a voice that sounded both in my head and somewhat on the phone saying, "He's just talking to his mother. They're not saying anything at the moment."

Internet accounts being altered and sometimes posts or entries being deleted.

Bank account when it was existent was often accessed and I was being told into my mind that I couldnt be with anyone because "I didn't have enough money". Often they would say into my mind my current bank balance.

These assclowns are in everything that I have.

I wonder how I merited this much attention.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hard To Explain

It's so incredibly hard to explain to others as to why you're not functioning properly.

It's hard to explain that something on your brain is the reason why you're not contacting family, friends, or pursuing a potential girlfriend.

It's hard to explain that suddenly, out of the blue, that after holding jobs for years that you're not able to hold one for any longer than a span of two months.

It's hard to explain my dirty home, after being clean for so long, and having an immense cat population problem that has piled up to the point that it that it may cost me my living space.

It's hard to explain that there are so many simple things that I should be taking care of and instead I sit mindlessly on a couch.

It's hard to explain how I can sit on a couch, mindlessly for 15 hours, not so much as being able to make food for myself or drink water.

My brother took me to the hospital to seek treatment for this. They didn't know what to do.

They ran several tests on me and they even brought in a mental crisis counselor.

The only thing they could respond with was, "Maybe you need to drink more water." They had no other ideas.

This cat and cleaning situation is at critical mass and must resolved immediately.

I'm all alone in the world.

Well actually not. But alone in the fact that no one I know has ever experienced this crap.

But I am a different breed.

If my odds are 1,000,000 - 1 of getting through all of this and I still got that "1", then I like my odds. Because that's how I roll.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Just Cross Posting To Have On Record

I'm not sure how true it is of what I'm hearing, but someone says that they have a million dollars for me if I do something with them.

Someone else wants to be with person and get their money and other things. They somehow believe that they can slowly kill me off and force themselves onto this person.

For the last three years I've been torn apart and eaten alive by astral entities and I'm now to the point where I barely function.

I'm not certain if I will be dying in the near future. It feels like death already.

Meanwhile my mind, soul, and body is being used somewhere else. Someone far away feels what I feel. My dreams and visions get stolen from me. These sinister people are acting like my mind is something that they own and need to show other people.

Everyone uses my mind to view things. The music I think about they claim is some sort of radio. The list of violations and crimes against me goes on and on.

Some group wants to take my body away from me. My telepathy and other brain communications have been rerouted to somewhere else.

I dont know how much longer I have to live. A damn shame.

In the event of my death:

Interesting Note

To seek some comfort from my aggressor I run my hand under hot scolding water. When I do I hear someone else screaming in the distance. Whenever I hurt he hurt. Someone is connected to me.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Need Some Sort Of Remote Viewer Defense

I'm dumbfounded. I've used water. I've used fire. I've tried everything to get this scum off of my body. Somehow they stay on me like a shit stain that you cant get out of your underwear.

Maybe I need more fire.

I wish I had a lazer or particle beam. That would get to them. I've got to live through this.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ohh.. To Be A Fly On The Window For This Idiot's Crap

Of the many things that I hear in my head, one is people getting angry at me and accusing me of being a terrorist.

Really, dude?

Not only a terrorist, but a terrorist from Iraq. Now Iraq has been our ally for many years and we were the ones who put Saddam Hussein into power. But that's beside the point.

I saw on Skype that there's someone with my name in Iraq and in the United Kingdom.

There are people, from what I hear in my head, in different places pretending to be me. There are others pretending to be me on the west coast and gulf coast. The Iraq thing is hilarious.

Since this has started I've been accused of being a terrorist, a Muslim, a Jew, a black, a Mexican, a rapist, a murderer, and a thief. I guess the perps just say whatever makes someone the angriest and motivated to do something.

I still say, "Give 'em enough rope. They will eventually hang themselves."

Thursday, October 4, 2012

An Extremely Sorry Attempt At Breaking Me Down

These clowns are using astral entities to try and artificially induce stress in order to break me down.

Some of the attempts in the past were downright hilarious, things like, "You're gonna get killed if you don't pay your bills on time."

I've never had any enemies and I have never harmed or crossed anyone. For the most part my life has been pretty loving and peaceful.

So the latest annoyance has been pretty severe in seizing the moment. This time I had a neighbor complain about my cats and true to form these entities and the clowns that they work with have convened on me in full force.

My life is "about to end" because of these cat complaints.

It would be hilarious if it weren't so physically uncomfortable. Ah hell, it's still hilarious.

I wonder what will become of these guys in the end...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Battle For My Higher Self

It becomes increasingly clear that I have become quite the resource.

My advanced spiritual being, my released advanced kundalini are quite the hot commodity.

I have a deep connection to the Godhead that I have been deprived of for the last number of years by parasitic scum that believes that they can cheat the universe and definitely cheat the Reptilians, Grays, and Satanic factions, although they may be using it too.

When my soul-mind-body matrix was invaded by the K.K.K., the mafia, and shadow factions in attempt to break me down and program me into an assassin they got more than they bargained for when they encountered a psychic, advanced spiritual soul.

When other beings found me and linked my mind universally, these crackers started to lay claim to my mind and declared that everyone had to go through them.

Through years of my own spiritual cultivation, yoga, and my past history with psylocibins I had developed a stronger connection to the Godhead, my Higher Self, Superconsciousness, and built strong kundalini.

This is why I am networked, or "with people."

Now these clowns and others like them are now are all fighting for the rights to everything that I am while segregating me from myself. I am being used in other places. I can't even use my intuition anymore. I am literally being hijacked.

I am beginning to understand this on deeper levels now.

It's me against them. I need my connection to my Higher Self to myself, plain and simple and this will be my focus from now on.

Spiritual Theft

I just realized while chanting Om today that there are entities stealing spiritual beings from me and ones that come to me, as well as my own spiritual energy and kundalini.

While chanting, the pressure and pulsing from thieving entities was wretched.

All of this is being transferred to garbage humans and other entities that cannot support spiritual energy or spiritual beings of their own. They are more on the Satanic side and belong in Satanic things, but they are "piggy-backing" on me to be a part of a collective that they weren't chosen for.

In turn this is draining me and depriving me of my connection to my Higher Self and the God-head.

Some immediate action must be taken to deal with these parasites.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Astral Attacks Getting Worse

Feeling very sick and shaky as I attempt to get ready for class. Whatever entity is pressuring the back of my skull is killing me.

Trying to fight back. I cant think. I cant move.

How Far We Have Come..

It's amazing what this has been reduced to.

Originally I was made to look like an idiot with adolescent pranks, threats upon my life and the life of family.

Then I generated so much federal attention upon myself. I still am.

From the original gangstalking, gaslighting, and other things, including a very poor attempt at mind control by someone who had no idea as to how to do anything, this is now nothing more than astral entities screaming into my auditory neuro-receptors, the wealthy draining me of my life force and libidinal energy, some group that wants to prove that they can destroy my life, and some other group making money off of people entering my body just like in the movie, "Being John Malkovich."

For my aggressors, there will be no hope of accomplishing anything now, except for devoting all of their time and energy into trying to make me jobless, homeless, and perhaps eventually dead. Even that is an uphill battle as I have too many friends and a big family, hundreds of friends and aquaintances, not to mention the L.D.S. church to support me.

They have succeeded in making me not able to hold a job this year, which is quite uncharacteristic of me. I'm just flat out not able to think straight. We shall see how far that goes.

More than anything else right now, someone is mainly using me to make a lot of money. I have heard it in my head. "This guy is a gold mine." they say.

They are charging money to go and play inside my body. They are charging money to "mine my soul and my energies" which I learned is not uncommon for the wealthy elite.

It has been hellish for my well being.

They are also using my mind to connect to others from their remote location.

I have yet to figure out how to disconnect these human parasites from me. It is really taking a toll on my mind, my conscious awareness, my mental sharpness, my psychic abilities and my drive in general.

They have stolen my dreams as well. I have even heard accounts of astral rape taking place within my body.

I have learned that people pay really big money to "mine" unsuspecting humans and I unfortately am one of these victims. This must stop.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I have grown to realize that attention is a precious commodity.

It is like gold.

These E.T., Reptilian, and human clowns thrive on attention.

I must thrive upon distraction.

Verification That The Planet Needs About 10% Of The Population To Shift In Consciousness For A Dimensional Shift

The following link would verify extraterrestrial and metaphysical literature on what it would take to change global consciousness and assist in a positive dimensional shift.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Blessing And Curse, Part 1

I've made so much progress in recovering from this and at the same time it has gotten so much worse. For those reading, as much as I feel confident about my position, the last three years have been absolute hell. I can't think straight. I can't breathe sometimes. My head feels like there is a clamp on it.

I fought hard today to add two new links to There are many typos and grammatical errors because the whole time that I was doing this my body and mind were under heavy negative astral entity attacks. It has been a horrible day.

It all started when I received a shipment of bulk 5HTP this morning. 5HTP is a "mood enhancer" that helps your brain's seratonin flow. I bought this to confront the negative astral entities that are trying everything to make me feel bad in hope of breaking down my soul-mind-body complex in order to someone or something inside of me.

I have been fighting back. But it got ugly today.

I took a heavy dose of 5HTP. Things started somewhat well. Then my head became crowded with entities. These entities have ways of making me extremely ill. I started uncontrollably projectile vomiting. It is the worse induced feeling ever. You just want to die. They wanted to make sure that I didn't digest the 5HTP. They kept it going until I had nothing left in me. After the last extremely, gut-wrenchingly painful dry heave I heard a voice saying, "There's nothing else in him. I think we got it all out."

This has happened to me before. This year, after being extremely dependable for whatever company I have worked for, have lost two jobs. The last one I lost after being made to feel so sick that I wanted to die. I would run to the employee bathroom violently heaving every possible thing inside of me. It got so bad that I didn't want to return to that job. Once the job was gone the sickness stopped.

I don't know how to disconnect from these entities and weapons, but I must persist. This literally is the worst feeling ever.

Sorry to start this blog on a downer. There's still light at the end of the tunnel.

In Love and in Light.


Test post
