Friday, January 25, 2013

Umm.. Wow! If True...

"They're too late to do anything about you, Sam. You already have enough of your DNA activated to interact with and switch to different dimensions."


For seven and a half years my mind aggressors have been doing variations of the same damn thing over and over again.

They have all been trained by someone who has the mind of a six year old and some nickel and dime street corner hustler.

There's nothing intel about them.

I'm so sick of hearing that some ultimate dream girl is coming to be with me or that I'm on the verge of receiving some large amount of money. They must be complete idiots to keep milking this garbage.

The whole point of their incredibly stupid game is to make me believe that something good is about to happen for me in my mind so that I don't do anything with my life in the real world.

Seven and a half years of them repeating this over and over and over again.

It didn't work back at the beginning of this and it sure as hell isn't working now.

What a bunch of jackasses. They are nothing more than common thug, small time street corner hustlers with stolen equipment.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

5HTP, Oxygen, And Other Things Regarding The Battle

As the battle for my mind, body, and soul rages onward to new and ridiculous extremes, one thing becomes more and more clear.

All this is about now is me feeling good vs. me feeling bad.

The sinus pressure, the astral blocking of my mind's seratonin and dopamine flow, the restriction of breathing and oxygen intake, the 24 hour a day ridiculous over-the-top screaming into my mind, the tension building entities, the massive slaughtering of heavenly and beneficial astral beings, and the disgusting humans that are robbing me of every wonderful ethereal thing that has been inside of me, makes it quite clear that they are taking every possible measure to try and break me down and make me into a lower human, prone to evil, prone to possession, prone to having other humans enter me, and other wretched things.

By the way, I hear that the humans robbing me of everything inside of me are particularly in California, Texas, and perhaps the worst thief is in Britain.

This is a war to make me feel bad and break me down.

Last night the attack was incredibly bad. After struggling to get oxygen into my system by pacing around and jumping up and down I suddenly remembered that I had 5HTP, a mood enhancer that promotes seratonin flow.

As soon as I took it I heard the negative aliens and other dark astral beings say things like, "He put that thing in his house (body). I can't use him."

They all started to leave, although one of the main problems now is that beings that are supposed to be allied with me are still tearing me apart. Some have been tricked. Some are just incredibly stupid. This is the darkside's way of being tricky. It's a common method for them.

I must be highly coveted because everything just keeps intensifying. I do feel some danger just because of the type of soul that I am, indigo, also my potentials, my DNA, and more than anything because of my activated conduit, my connection to the Akashic field. People are hijacking that and are willing to kill for it. Having access to the Akashic field and having outsiders know about it puts me in a dangerous position.

I have to continue with 5HTP. I have to be militant about deep breathing. I have to stay well hydrated. I need to experience pleasure again. I have to regain that natural bliss that is my true being that they have worked seven and a half years to try and destroy. They won't do it. It's not a false feeling. It's my core being.

Also I heard in my head that some guy's about to get his ass kicked for bull sh*tting the mafia about me.

No one ever knew who I was when they chose me as a target and they didn't know how to do anything. I'm surprised that they maintained this for so long.

Anyways, I can't worry about that. I need to regain my bliss and focus on my Higher Self.

Monday, January 21, 2013


I keep hearing in my head invitations from people from other countries.

"Come live here! You can survive and thrive with us! Your own country has betrayed you!"

Lots of stuff like that I hear.

Maybe it's true. Maybe I should move somewhere else.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Like Magic!!!

There are various human factions connected to my mind. I was able to break through to some of them today.

I referred them to my website to understand all that is going on.

Later I randomly visited the website myself. There was a a white page saying, "server sends no data".

I called my server company and during that call just before tech support actually checked upon it, everything magically went back to normal.

I thanked them and went back to my business.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Not Good On The Job Hunt

For the 4th time in a row I have had great job interviews where I was on the verge of being hired only to never hear from the establishment ever again. Something is amiss.

I have a good job record so I wonder if something more sinister is going on.

On the astral side I am being torn apart. I'm being astrally, physically attacked every time I pursue a job. The most recent thing is that I feel some sort of pressure on my head and I spend all day not being able to think.

It's hard to get oxygen to my brain.

Whoever this sinister, rotten group is they are hellbent on me not having a job or a decent income of any kind.

I also heard in my heard some angry piece of crap who has threatened to abduct my nephew.

More when I can think of it..

Thursday, January 17, 2013

They Sure Don't Like Us Heavenly Psychic Types

Although that human aggressor factions are slowly deteriorating, this attack has gotten worse on a whole other level.

I continue to learn through literature and other sources that NWO and western civilization is primarily Satanic and alien governed.

Whatever personal gifts and potentials that I have that could possibly help my fellow living being mean absolutely nothing to them.

They are shutting down humanity from all of it's potentials and disconnecting humans from the God-source.

My personal beat down is just a microcosm of the macrocosm.

This is why I added this link to the website:

I'm getting my tail kicked for who I am. It sucks.

Lots Of Communication Blockage

I was thinking while I was half asleep about taking a job in an assisted living community when a voice in my head stated, "You would be compensated."

"Huh?", I said.

Apparently, someone has been offering me an opportunity to do something with them and I haven't really heard a word of it until now.

The Klan and their deep-pocketed master have been doing everything imaginable to make me not hear anyone in my brain communications.

This stuff has occurred in dreams too. Someone repeatedly tells me that I can't be with someone or that I can't be with a certain group of people unless I have money. Someone in a dream said I needed to have at least one million dollars to be involved in a group.

 "You can't afford to be a part of this." I hear that statement several times a day.

Whatever. I guess if anyone really wanted to contact me they would bypass these lackeys and email me at or something.

C'est la vie. It could be just another stupid set up to make me look like I'm stalking someone or pursuing a social circle. These clowns set people up often. I hear it in my head all of the time.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Aliens And Human Turds Won't Set My Brain Free

All this seems to be about now is me vs. an army of sociopathic, parasitic astral entities and humans who want my soul, mind, and body for themselves.

It is literally a knock-down, drag out war.

Last night I spent hours lighting fires over my head, trying to burn the crap out of bodily invading remote viewers and astral entities in an attempt to try and regain myself, my functions and my conscious awareness.

I'm going to keep burning and trying every other method I can think of until my sinuses are free, my spine is warm and tingly, my blood circulates, and I can fully comprehend things again. I will do everything possible to destroy every single invading scumbag that wants to use me somewhere else.

Some of this scum is using me to make money. They call me a business. I want them dead.

Some of this scum is using me to be a part of a mind linked collective that I was chosen for. They all should be transported to alien bases.

Maybe they all should be in alien bases.

All that I know now is that I need to live. I need to be aware. I need all of my being for myself.

If this is a war, so be it. They are at a disadvantage because they all have to come to me. They all have to use me. If I can figure this whole thing out then this should be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


He just tried to make me dream of my email password again. Time to change it.

(post note: I was too late to stop the ass. My screen said that I had logged in from somewhere else. I'll just keep updating passwords regularly. The good thing about this is that logins from elsewhere are traceable.)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

This Just In...

As per this wonderful article:

A cruder version of my brain hacking situation, also using E.E.G.s. But instead of being more "ethereal" for lack of a better word, this is a headset. My brain is being hacked and being used by losers, while I sit incompetently numb and paralyzed.

Further down in this article was this:

At which point I thought to myself that I would love to play a 3D surround visual video game. A voice then said in my head, "We're already doing that with you."

I had seen such things briefly in dreams, but they are not doing it with me. They are just using my brain without me being a part of my own experience, while scum from other places pay money to use me. Again this is all the more reason to find a way to disconnect all of this human garbage.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Yoga Vs. Body Snatching

It just keeps getting stranger for me.

I did two hours of yoga classes while being intensely assaulted by remote viewers and astral entities.

The battle was hell, but I knew that I had to power through it. I shook a lot. Many times I couldn't breathe. I was also being depleted of my energy at some point. They were trying everything.

During a series of intense twists and stretches I could feel massive popping from my head and body. Entities were popping out. They always returned nervously.

Then after an intense session I heard a voice saying, "I'm not going to be able to take his body away from him."

 They still tried everything to stop my yoga workout. At one point I felt vertigo and felt like I was about to pass out.

I heard that someone took a lot of money from someone to get them a body. It won't be mine. They don't know what they're doing. They need a weak person that can either be broken down emotionally or someone who is willing to do excessive harm to others. That will never be me.

Someone in my head referred to certain type of caucasion as "the Lucifer Strain". I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Months ago, my extradimensional friends kept preaching about getting back into yoga and kept talking about stretching out my ham strings. After this yoga session in the continuing battle for my mind and body, I am beginning to understand why.

More to come...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Ever So Tiresome Battle For My Being

I should have known that this intensifying battle would occur. I have turned back to yoga to confront my bodily invaders.

Evidently, my soul-mind-body matrix is a coveted property that people are spending a ton of money to try and take from me.

It is clear that they want nothing good to happen for me. They don't want me to feel good. And this is my dilemma.

My first yoga class they made me twitch and shake whenever the instructor came near me. They know how instrumental she will be in my practice. She is amazing.

Tonight I did Kundalini yoga at home by way of DVD. The more that I made progress throughout the workout, the more entities they crammed me with trying to constrict my breathing and making me shake.

Someone or some group is hellbent on forcing their way into me. It doesn't work that way. The owner (me) of the soul-mind-body matrix must give consent or be broken down through negative acts, thoughts, and feelings. And I will never do either.

My soul-mind-body matrix is solely mine and will be for all eternity.

Force will never get it.

About 90% of the way through my workout I felt something special. I felt the extreme discomfort ad the intense shaking as expected, but I felt the intense warmth and joy of my core being. I experienced my core, which is love, joy, bliss, the infinite. Everything astral-physical that they did to me just felt like an outer garment of discomfort. It meant nothing to me. No matter how it felt I was joyous internally. The discomfort was truly external and artificial.

These clowns who have no experience in this field whatsoever will continue to experiment on me to find a way in. I don't anticipate them giving up. They have lots of money at stake.

But this is my being and therefore my choice. I will never ever give myself up to any outside entity.

This is going to be a hell of a battle. I'll keep piling on the yoga, prayer, and meditation.

Even if they were to kill me off to some degree or another they would just be a bunch of hapless monkeys in a half dead shell, perhaps just helpless and stuck like John Cusack's character was stuck in the baby at the end of "Being John Malkovich".

My being is mine only. The clowns are unclear on the concept.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Something's About To Happen, I Guess

I'm hearing in my head now from extradimensional friends something about "the galactic center" and energies approaching.

I'm still in great conflict with trolling human forces that want my soul-mind-body matrix for themselves. I overheard one troll in my sleep this morning saying that "he discovered me first."

I must get rid of all humans, have them all disconnected in order to move forward.

Reference links: , , ,