Friday, January 11, 2013

Aliens And Human Turds Won't Set My Brain Free

All this seems to be about now is me vs. an army of sociopathic, parasitic astral entities and humans who want my soul, mind, and body for themselves.

It is literally a knock-down, drag out war.

Last night I spent hours lighting fires over my head, trying to burn the crap out of bodily invading remote viewers and astral entities in an attempt to try and regain myself, my functions and my conscious awareness.

I'm going to keep burning and trying every other method I can think of until my sinuses are free, my spine is warm and tingly, my blood circulates, and I can fully comprehend things again. I will do everything possible to destroy every single invading scumbag that wants to use me somewhere else.

Some of this scum is using me to make money. They call me a business. I want them dead.

Some of this scum is using me to be a part of a mind linked collective that I was chosen for. They all should be transported to alien bases.

Maybe they all should be in alien bases.

All that I know now is that I need to live. I need to be aware. I need all of my being for myself.

If this is a war, so be it. They are at a disadvantage because they all have to come to me. They all have to use me. If I can figure this whole thing out then this should be like shooting fish in a barrel.

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