Friday, December 14, 2012

Getting Closer And Attacks Getting Heavier... As Expected

The astral idiocy continues. The pressure on my head gets greater.

I am not able to hear any transmission into my brain anymore. Nothing but screaming from retarded astral entities is all that I hear now. Someone has the technology to re-route all conversations directed towards me to someone else remotely.

The ascension process is beginning to move into full swing and these chimps are extremely desperate to use anyone and anything to try and break me down and lower my frequency so that I won't be a part of the ascension process.

The Zeta Reticuli grays have these collectives of people that they call "groups". Normally a "group" is a linking of minds that they group together to break people down and get certain energies and other resources out of them. These "groups" are full of bad people that want to do harmful things to one another. They basically consist of scumbag people.

A "group" can also mean "one's social circle".

I was once in a "group" of wonderful people, until a Satanic scumbag Klansman with wealth decided that he was going to take my place and somehow convinced someone to link my mind to a group of scum that he was once a part of, so that he could be with the people that I was linked to.

Now I am under some heavy astral attack because some people believe that I am part of a group that I have nothing to do with. They even know how to "superimpose" my image to them on the astral plane.

I don't know anyone involved and I live 700 miles away from the nearest scumbag that these Klan lackeys claim that I'm doing things with.

I hope to break free of this abomination of a group very, very soon.

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